Helping Young Women
Envision Unlimited

An Investment in the Future of our Community

Our foundation raises funds to equip the students of YWLA to expand their horizons.

That means more support, tools, success, and ultimately more prosperity for more young women in Fort Worth.

We give girls and their families the option of a college-preparatory education, a culture that encourages high expectations, and the resources to reach them. 

With the help of our partners, we turn dreams into college diplomas and more. 

Education is a Girl's Best Friend™

We believe that when you educate a girl, not only does her life improve, but so does that of her family, the community, and the world. We support the students and alumni of YWLA as they pursue the education and lives of their dreams, and we will all be better for it if they do.

The Foundation, YWLA, and You

Our mission is to secure funds through grants and gifts from a network of donors for programs that enhance academic achievement and offer leadership opportunities for YWLA that promote the success of every student in college, career, and life.

Each year hundreds of thousands of low-income students face barriers to college access and success. They often lack the guidance and support they need to prepare for college, apply for the best-fit schools, apply for financial aid, enroll, and persist in their studies and ultimately graduate. At the Foundation and YWLA, we're working to change this reality.

Academic research shows that single-gender schools better accommodate the specific developmental needs of students, help counter gender stereotyping in subject choices, inspire self-confidence and self-esteem, and yield higher student achievement. YWLA provides a place for any young woman in Fort Worth ISD an opportunity to experience this type of educational environment. Of the 468 students, 68% qualify for free-and-reduced meals, meaning their families are at or below the poverty line. Minorities in our school are, in fact, the majority: 65% Hispanic and 22% African American. Our alumni network is now 374 strong — most of whom are first-generation college students — and represents similar demographics.

The Foundation focuses its fundraising efforts on supporting the core values of YWLA:

  • College Preparation: Our goal is to have 100% of students attend and graduate from college. Educational enhancement programs supported through grants and donations provide year-round learning in math, science, and technology. Training and enhancement opportunities for teachers ensure they are exceptionally prepared and equipped.

  • Responsible Leadership and Service: Girls are taught responsible decision-making and accountability and the importance of community service and global awareness to awaken and strengthen their leadership potential.

  • Health and Wellness Life Skills: Daily physical activity, nutritional education and making smart choices are critical to long-term health and happiness of students. We work to ensure our students can care for themselves physically and mentally, so they can be at their best in the classroom and in life.

Here’s How We’re Making a Difference

We support success to and through college:

  • $85 Million – merit-based awards in 9 graduating classes.

  • 71% - Will be the first generation to attend college.

  • Numerous programs and services

We enhance a proven academic model:

  • 100% - Engaged in STEM-focused curriculum.

  • 100% - Graduate from high school.

  • 100% - Acceptance to a four-year college or university by every student in the 9 graduated classes.

We Can’t Do It Without You

By enhancing the dynamic learning experience of the YWLA, we encourage critical thinking, instill confidence, and nurture intellectual and social development needed for success in college, careers, and life.

We’re connecting generous people with the unique needs of YWLA students. Together, we’re building great things and a pipeline of success that will impact generations in Fort Worth.

There’s room for you here. We invite you to get involved by sharing your first donation today.

It All Started with a Desire...

The Foundation for the Young Women’s Leadership Academy of Fort Worth is an independent nonprofit organization working in a public-private partnership with the Young Women's Preparatory Network (YWPN) —a nonprofit organization in Dallas that works with local ISDs across the state of Texas—to open all-girls, college-preparatory leadership academies, the Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD) and the Young Women's Leadership Academy of Fort Worth (YWLA).

Together, these organizations strive to educate and empower the next generation of female leaders. Our Foundation works closely with -- in fact, in the same building as -- YWLA.

Here’s how our process works:

  1. The school's leadership team shares specific needs around college readiness, health and wellness, and responsible leadership and service.

  2. We determine what funding we're able to secure, whether through donations from private individuals and companies, or grants awarded by foundations.

  3. We fund programs that address those specific needs. 

  4. After the program is complete, we report specific outcomes back to our donors.

Get a Glimpse of the Excitement at YWLA and the Foundation!

We invite you to take a behind-the-scenes look at YWLA with a virtual tour. We would love for you to catch a small glimpse of why failing these girls is not an option.

Programs We Support

Enhancement programs supplement classroom and extracurricular experiences for each student. The Foundation provides funding for these programs to amplify the impact of public investment made by the Fort Worth Independent School District.

College Readiness

  • College readiness after school programs

  • SAT/ACT test preparation

  • Summer programs focusing on college readiness

  • College advising

  • College visits

  • College fairs

STEM Curriculum

  • Pathway specific field trips

  • Summer programs focusing on STEM, visual and graphic arts

  • Faculty professional development

  • Teacher in-residence programs

  • Robotics Club

  • STEM career exposure events

  • Academic Decathlon

Leadership / Health & Wellness

  • Summer programs focusing on leadership

  • Student internship opportunities

  • Leadership and service activities

  • Wellness activities

  • Business networking & etiquette lessons

  • Arts & cultural events


  • Gap assistance

  • Transition events for recent graduates

  • Financial counseling

  • Mentoring

  • Career counseling

  • Career planning & placement